Attack Non-Chlorine Shock Oxidizer
Attack is an effective tool for achieving clear water in pool, spa fountain or pond.
This is the product to use when problems exist where there is an excessive chlorine level that need to be reduced while still effectively cleaning the water. Swimmers can enter the pool 10 minutes after application as the product is safe in dilution and won’t harm people or pets as long as the water chemistry is in balance.
Attack Non-Chlorine Shock Oxidizer Features
Attack is a non-chlorine shock oxidizer with oxy-crystals. It is odorless, fast-acting and non-foaming. Treat and swim in 10 minutes. Reduces excessive chlorine levels.
Attack Non-Chlorine Shock Oxidizer Instructions
Attack Non-Chlorine Shock with Oxy-Crystals: One pound treats 25,000 gallons water. 6.5 oz treats 10,000 gallons. Use the inner cap to measure. Turn on the filter and then broadcast over the top of the pool water. The product dissolves in about two minutes and swimming can resume 10 minutes after application.

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