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Spa Sparkle

Bio-Dex Instant Action Spa Sparkle is a fast acting natural water clarifier and works with filtration without clogging and enhances water quality.

Cleans shines and polishes

Safe and user friendly

Improves water clarity, & filtration to make spa water more desirable.

This product works to get rid of cloudy water and produces clear and
sparkling water. It’s non-toxic, non-hazardous and environmentally
friendly. Users can safely use the product as often as necessary. It can
also be used for regular maintenance after cleaning tile or algae
treatments to keep water clear and sparkling. Users can add the product
weekly to keep water quality at its peak. Product can be re-applied
after 24 hours if additional application is necessary. Sunshine Sparkle
Bright is a cost effective way to improve water quality and filtration.
It isn’t affected by chlorine and works at all pH levels.

Spa Sparkle works with filtration and creates exceptional water clarity,
is non-toxic and non-hazardous.


While the jets are on and water is circulating, add ¼ oz to ½ oz or one
to two squirts to 250 gallons to 500 gallons water.  Cloudy water is
dramatically changed to sparkling crystal clear almost instantly.  No
waiting to swim.  To maintain optimum benefit, apply Spa Super Sparkle
weekly or as often as required.  (for best results, never use more then
the recommended dose at one time)

Download the Safety Data Sheet


Download the Safety Data Sheet

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